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Kartonwagen hoch mit M-Unterteilern Grau
Cardboard trolley high with M lower dividers Grey
by Midori
€880.89 * €1,104.99 *
Kartonwagen niedrig mit Unterteilerbügeln Grau
Cardboard trolley low with lower dividers Grey
by Midori
€729.29 * €915.99 *
Packtisch 180 x 90 x 65-90 cm komplett Grau
Packing table 180 x 90 x 65-90 cm complete Grey
by Midori
€1,101.79 * €1,379.99 *
Packtisch 150 x 90 x 65-90 cm komplett Grau
Packing table 150 x 90 x 65-90 cm complete Grey
by Midori
€1,134.59 * €1,419.99 *
Umzugskarton Movebox Smart & Safe (2-wellig)
Moving box Movebox Smart & Safe 2 corrugated
by KK Verpackungen
From €1.35 * €2.09 *
Hand-Stretchfolie 23 my (transparent) 400mm x 100m
Hand Stretch Film 23 microns (transparent) 400mm x 100m
by KK Verpackungen
From €1.34 * €2.15 *
Lupe Leselupe mit LED-Licht 30-fache Vergrößerung 80mm Linse
Magnifier with LED lights 30x magnification 80mm lens
by Midori
€13.19 * €13.23 *
57 From 57